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Nigerian Security Agencies With The Growing Challenges

The Nigerian Security Agencies has been faced with so many tough security challenges which at this time seem to be mounting a great pressure on this agencies as they now know that they are also not safe with the rising increase in the number of attacks being carried out against the nation by the terrorist group Boko Haram.

Several Security centers have been attacked and several police officers killed in the rave of attacks, This rising trends of attacks against security officers has really made them rise to face the growing security challenges in the Country.

But with the Activities of the Boko Haram Terrorist group being felt in the Country one would ask if the Nigerian Security Forces are really on top of the Situation as they claimed they are. Well We can say much about this but so far the Security Forces has really been restoring the people's confidence in them as they have recorded several success in curbing with this security Challenges.

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