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Security Challenges Facing Nigeria's SSS

The Nigerian SSS Has been Faced with so Many Security Challenges in recent times and it all seems they are really finding things a little bit difficult in getting most of their works done as the Nation is currently at a peak of high security instability.

They are faced with so many Corruption battles in most of the sectors of the economy, The Post Election Violence of which they are yet to uncover those behind it, The Boko Haram Issues that is ravaging the north and leaving many in Fears, Cyber crimes which at the moment seems like almost a lost battle, Kidnapping which thing has left several stains on the nations image and also the recent Bombings in several parts of the Country including the one at the police headquarters which took several lives. Both with all this how well can we say the SSS has performed in Curbing most of this Security Challenges.

Here are some Other Comments Made by People in response to the Comic Presentation of this issue.

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