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Unemployment, The Way To The Devil's Workshop

They say an Idol Man is the devil's workshop.
With the growing trends of unemployment around the world and most especially in our dear nation Nigeria, More and more hands are gradually being put to the wrong use as many of our teeming youths today are resorting to several unlawful and fraudulent acts.

The number of our graduates that are yet unemployed is highly alarming and having thousands of fresh graduates coming out of the University every year to join the millions that are already still out looking for job in the labour market will altogether choke the system which can only make provision for employment for just a percentage of this large number of people.

Many among these unemployed has resorted to several thoughts and ideas to create employments for themselves in whatever way they can. While some have been able to push a few things to help themselves in the entertainment industry, some others gone to do some handy work, Some others are just hanging there in the middle not knowing what to do and still running from one firm to the other and submitting one form or the other, the rest has resorted to the devil's workshop (Internet Fraud, Lotto - Baba Ijebu, Gambling, Armed Robbery, Street Thugs, Pick Pocketers and Now even into Terrorism) where they can find it easily but not without a cost in the long run for them.

The Government needs to come out and tackle the issue of Unemployment and find a way to utilize and take advantage of these vast available manpower that is now being channeled into several unlawful act for the development and growth of Our Nation Nigeria.

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