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Nigerian Civil Service, The Rootage Of Corruption True Or False

Corruption is a Cancer that has totally paralyzed the Growth and economic development of a great Nation Like Ours Nigeria. And this Corruption is seem in almost all institution and body in the country and carried out by people of almost all age group from the age of accountability.

Tackling this corruption is one of the Biggest Challenge the Government is facing and the more they try to curb it the wider it spreads across the country and that is because it has a base also in the government system and so it would be almost difficult to tackle it.

In the 70's and 80's Little was being said about Corruption as Nigeria was still growing and that with men of honor, integrity and honesty occupying some of the bodies and institutions in the country but in the late 80's and 90's the doorway became wide open for a free and fare corruption which till today many people are yet not satisfied with what they have since looted.

And Little wonder to the fact that the highest level of Corruption being made in Nigeria is done by Civil servants and this was confirmed in a detailed report by Transparency International (TI) one of which says that Nigerian civil servants alone took bribes worth over N450 billion ($3b) in the last one year. According to the studies of corrupt behaviors in various public and private sectors of the economy done by the TI, it was confirmed that “previous findings showed that bribery is particularly widespread in the construction, energy and extractive industries, "

According to the publication, in Nigeria, which is one of the countries with dominant extractive industries, “corrupt civil servants in oil-rich Nigeria pocketed some $3.2 billion (2.3b euros) in bribes in the 2010/11 financial year alone.”

With Such Reports and from Our Personal experiences with the Civil service operations in Nigeria one would wonder who is more involved in Corruption in the country.

Is it The Government itself or the Civil Service ??? You be the Judge.


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