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The Woes On President GEJ Over Subsidy Removal

The Fuel Subsidy Removal which was deliberated and pushed forth by the combined effort of the President, his cabinet including some governors and other governing agencies has really produced lots of drama these past few days as it has provoked millions of Nigerians who marched out in a massive protest against the decision made by the government in removing the fuel subsidy.

But whenever something is thrown from a point it will first hit the person in front in the direction it was thrown to and that is exactly the condition President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan finds Himself, According to what is being circulated around it is believed that he is the most cursed president currently in the world as many negative things has been said and demonstrated about him both in public and private places. and it seems the whole wrath of the people is only being poured at him even though he claimed that the plan has been there before he got into the office as the president.

Well Just a Simple advice to all. Before accepting to lead a delegation to confront any tough issue or people just make sure you've got a good cover for your own face or you might end up bearing all the consequences of a revolt alone.

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