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Nigeria Being Corruption Free, What Tense Qualifies This.
The country shares the 35th position with Azerbaijan, Kenya, Nepal and Pakistan, while countries such as Togo, Mali, Niger and Benin fared better than Nigeria. Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan, with a score of eight each, were listed as the most corrupt countries according to the report, while Denmark, Finland and New Zealand were the least corrupt with a score of 90 each.
With Such Marks One would ask if We Nigeria Can ever be Corruption Free still looking at the way the Country is heading and how corruption is rooted and abounding in all spheres of Government and even among the masses.
Only A Divine Intervention will see us Through this Shame Really.
We All Need Each Other To Realize Our Full Potentials
We Might all have one great potential or the other but lets not ignore the potentials in others as we definitely need other people's potential to work along with ours to attain maximum productivity in whatsoever we are meant to achieve.
Wikipedia might know everything but does not have everything that can always draw massive traffic to it and so relies on Google search to majorly bring in those traffic. And same for the rest, Without the Internet they are all useless but more importantly without Electricity they are all as good as dead.
So Put together all Your Potentials and find out where to Harness other People's Potential and use them to Compliment Your Efforts so that we can all get the much needed Success we desired cause We all need Each other To Realize our full Potentials.
Good Luck.
How To Stop Lionel Messi - Sports News

Is It Possible To Stop Him?
Lionel Messi Has Proven Himself to be a Master of the Ball and has dominated the game of soccer being the current best player for consecutive times now.
He is a threat to any defender, goal keeper and even the entire opponent team because he always knows how to find his way through to the post and the ball always sticks to his legs.
The Biggest Questions Most Club owners coaches and players will be asking is " How Can we stop Messi"
Well I Just think the picture above will be able to tell if this young champ can be stopped.
Nigeria's Multiple Probings with No Meaningful Results

I Think Nigerians have had enough of all this probings that they fell would completely cover our eyes from knowing the truths of whats been happening in the country. We have seem several Probes like the Power Probe? Aviation Probe? Privatization Probe? Subsidy Probe? Pension Probe Etc, Only GOD knows the Next sector that will be probed.
With All this Probings we are yet to see a meaningful results coming out of them as we are all kept in the dark of all the real facts that was discovered in the probes, We are yet to see people get jailed for offenses as there are clear evidences of mismanagement and misappropriation of Government Funds from most of the Probes but Who is currently standing behind bars as a result of the finding from these probes.
I Think there are better issues and things to settle in the nation than to spend more tax payers money carrying out unproductive probes.
Halliburton Bribe Scam, How Its Being Treated In Nigeria

A former top Halliburton executive will serve 2 1/2 years in prison after pleading guilty in Houston federal court to orchestrating a $180 million bribery scheme to secure $6 billion in natural gas deals in Nigeria between 1995 and 2004, the Justice Department announced Thursday.
Albert “Jack” Stanley is the former CEO of KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary at the time of the bribes; he was tapped to run the company in 1998 by future Vice President Dick Cheney, who ran Halliburton between 1996 and 2000. Cheney was not charged in the case.
also must pay his former company $10.8 million in restitution under the judgment handed down in a Houston federal court. Stanley, 69, pleaded guilty to violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud.
KBR and its parent company, Halliburton, have also agreed to pay a $579 million fine after pleading guilty to corruption charges in Nigeria.
While He Has Received Sentence for His Offences, His Nigerian Counterparts are having it easy with the Court here who is yet to hold them ransom for their offenses.
Mixed Reactions Trails CBN Gov. Sanusi's N100m donation to Kano Bomb victims

In what has sent tongues wagging and tempers rising over the sheer invidiousness of the gesture, Mallam Sanusi Lamido, CBN Governor made a donation of N100 million to victims of the recent Kano bomb blast perpetrated by Boko Haram.
Any attempt to bring succor to people in sorrow and assuage their pain deserves commendation. Mallam Sanusi in ordinary terms and different circumstances has performed a noble act of philanthropy. But that act has won him, not the commendation, but the anger and condemnation of many Nigerians who see in his apparent act of kindness evidence of double standard, moral failure if not criminal abuse of position. For one, Mallam Sanusi who many have for long seen as a religious bigot, fundamentalist and ethnic throwback, is from Kano. He is in fact from a prominent lineage of the Kano ruling elite. Sanusi’s critics want to know what makes Kano deserving of this act of philanthropy than other towns and cities of, even the North, that have come under the terrorist ministration of Boko Haram. Is this not a case of partiality to one’s kith and kin?
A more fundamental question, one that calls attention to potential abuse of office of a criminal kind, is that which seeks to know from which source Sanusi derives the authority to dole out such largesse. As a public servant, a political appointee, is the CBN governor empowered to dole out such amount of funds, the question goes? Even ministers have a financial ceiling (N50 million?) beyond which they cannot go without approval from a higher authority.
Many Have Been Asking From what section of the rules and regulations guiding the office of the CBN governor does Sanusi get the authorization to give out public money in this fashion? Was it his personal money? If not, where did he get the money from? And why was it presented as a personal act of kindness? However, the CBN has come out to say that the donation was part of its Corporate Social Responsibility which is backed by regulation.
Another report gave it out that Mallam Sanusi has promised to return the money should it be found that it was unauthorised. But where will he get the money to repay from- the same CSR fund from which he took it in the first instance? What evidence can the CBN provide for past acts of CSR in this regard?
The donation of N100 million is quite a little sum compared to the loss and pain, a lot of it irreparable, suffered by the people of Kano and other parts of Nigeria that have been visited by the mindless terrorism of Boko Haram. How much can be paid to the many dead or their dependants who died or lost property in Kano? Is it those made orphans, widows and widowers, in the Christmas day bombing in Madalla that some donation of money will compensate? No amount of money would be enough for such people. But what is being questioned here is the principle behind Mallam Sanusi’s act of kindness.
Government Spends More, The People Sinks Further

What An Unfortunate Situation...
Kindly Compare the Two Pictorial Presentation of How Nigerians have fed with the Yearly Increase in Government Budget. Its Expected that as the Budget increases that the Benefits that should come to the people should also increase.
Several Years Ago when Budgets were still declared in millions, things seem OK for Nigerians with Prices of goods and services still favorable to the masses and Nigerians where a little bit comfortable But Presently Government Budgets are being declared in Trillions of Naira and instead of Nigerians getting a better deal out of this increase it just seems that we are continually sinking further and shrinking while the Budget keeps increasing,
leaving us to ask the Question. How is Our Budget being Managed, Is it being used in the interest of the people or in the interest of some pockets and Bank accounts?
How Nigerians Feels Days After The End Of Fuel Subsidy Probe

This was in addition to the invitation of the government players such as the ministers of Finance and Petroleum Resources; top executives of the Petroleum Products Pricing and Regulatory Agency; the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation; Accountant-General of the Federation and Nigeria Customs Service among others.
The Probes has finally ended but Nigerians are still looking out for what is going to come out of this probe and the probe ended in a fashion many Nigerians seem not to have expected as it was expected that a lot of striking secrets should have been uncovered but several days has passed and not much is being said about what was discovered in the Probes.
Will this be an addition to several other probes that has been carried out without a meaningful report and actions? Lets Keep on Watching
The Burnt Bridge To ASO Villa, The Sylva Story

Timipre Sylva seems to have falling out Completely with His Boss, President Goodluck Jonathan and ex-governor, Timipre Sylva have been locked in a political duel over who controls their home state of Baylsa.
For five years (2007-2012) their relationship was a subject of controversy, dangerous insinuations and a source of worry to Bayelsans and the Ijaw nation. They engaged in shadow boxing to cover the deep animosity they have for one another. But now they have donned their gloves to commence a dirty fight that could have far-reaching reverberations.
It took the official presentation of flag to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) recognized governorship candidate, House of Representatives member, Henry Seriake Dickson at the Samson Siasia Sports Complex for the bubble of resentment to burst between President Goodluck Jonathan and ousted governor, Chief Timipre Sylva.
Jonathan’s statement at the ceremony which, political observers said has confirmed insinuations that he has been deeply displeased with the style of governance of the state has opened another frontier of war for Sylva who is fighting tooth and nail to salvage his crashing political career.
IMMUNITY CLAUSE The Safe Haven For Those In Power

Several Activist and Groups in the Country has been clamoring for the amendment of the 1999 constitution by removing the immunity clause for public holders to be prosecuted while in office when they fall foul of the law of which the immunity clause had become a hindrance to tackling corruption in the country.
‘’It is now proven to be a stumbling block to the effective investigating and prosecuting of persons suspected of being connected with corruption. ‘’It is worrisome that this immunity has now been transferred to people who ordinarily have no such protection under the constitution.”
This has been the problem that has Handcuffed the EFCC and ICPC from Successfully Prosecuting Most of the top Office holders both past and Present who were believed to have embezzled some public funds or mismanaged public funds.
Fuel Subsidy Palliatives Will It Be Possible?

Since the Fuel Subsidy Removal wahala, and the Promises of the Federal Government that there will be some palliative to help reduce the burdens already placed on the masses as a result of the Fuel Subsidy removal. So many things were outlined by the Government in their Fuel Subsidy reinvestment and Empowerment Program which if implemented will truly help to alleviate the problems of the people.
But The questions most Nigerians are asking today is where are the Palliatives the Government promised as we are yet to see any sign of these taking effect anywhere. We still don't know if this will be another mere promises of the Government or if this is being hijacked again by another new set up Cabals like the Fuel Subsidy was Hijacked by some Cabals.
Boko Haram orders Southerners to leave the North. See Proposed Consequences

The Islamist Group Boko Haram has ordered that all Southerners should leave the North and Northerners in the South should leave the south also and return to the North within a set time and failure to do so will provoke some attacks from them on the people.
Well the Threat might be serious but the picture above shows a resemblance of how the norther states will look like if all the southerners decides to leave the North.
At that time the Biggest Looser will surface.
The Subsidy Awesome Jugglers Indeed

Well the Issue of Fuel Subsidy removal is almost dying out as the people have managed to swallow the hook and trying to move on with Life the way the government has forced upon them.
Probings are still on into the issues of the fuel subsidy but I think any of these people can really give us some good facts of what's been going on and what's been happening underground but it seems they too can't even figure out correctly what they are doing...
Too Pathetic.
Hmmm Governor's ATM Point. Mouth Sealed

Well just found this and said I should add it to the collection and leave you to fully decide on whether this is true or not.
I didn't affirm anything but looking at the way things are going in some of these norther states you will know that this might not just be far from what's been happening.
Well My Mouth is Sealed on this.
Boko Haram Suspect Escapes From Police Custody

See Wahala, House dey burn na him oga go dey pursue rat.
The Key suspect in the Christmas day bombing which killed more than 40 people in Nigeria Kabiru Sokoto has escaped from custody as police attempted to search his house outside the capital. it was said that some youths had attacked the police men before making way for the suspect to escape.
With all the Bombings killing and insecurity in the country one can still make such mistakes lol. This really is a big embarrassment for the nation and to the Nigerian police who for some time has also suffered several attacks from the Terrorist group the Boko Haram. A Police Commissioner has been arrested and investigations are being made to find out what really happened that led to this. The Government and the police Authority has vowed to get to the root of this and to recapture the suspect who is believed would be planning his way out of the country at this time.
Well only time will tell if the Police Commissioner in charge of the suspect had actually made a way for him to escape while trying to arrest some cash thrown at him.
The Painful End Of A Wonderful Start. NLC Calls Off Protest

What can I or anyone say concerning how the whole protest and campaigns for a revolution in Nigeria ended. At first when the whole protest started with the massive turn out of protesters who took to the the streets and parks ready to sacrifice ought in order to reclaim their rights and privileges, I thought the time for a True revolution has come for us thinking we have all learned from what happened in Tunisia, Egypt, Ivory coast and Libya. But I was left more disappointed than I was at the time the removal of fuel subsidy was imposed on us at a time we least expected when those (NLC & TUC) we thought would be the engine room to bring out a productive result from the protest all went and did otherwise behind the backs of many Nigerians.
The Government first came out with so many promises on how they will reinvest the money gained from subsidy removal and on several things they will be putting in place including the mass transit bus and others which promises didn't move the people nor NLC & TUC as they had received several promises of that nature before without getting anything from it. The President also went further to slash the allowance and salaries of his cabinet but the people still held their grounds till the Government started playing their luring gain on the NLC to which they fell to and couldn't bark again as they got some juicy bone from the government which made them settle at Ninety seven Naira per liter which was contrary to what they agreed to accept before.
This single act has really set the Country and its people backward as i don't think there would ever be a massive move for change as we saw these past days. We got our chance to take back our nation but those we entrusted with the task of leading this move only helped to push us into the lions den.
The Woes On President GEJ Over Subsidy Removal

The Fuel Subsidy Removal which was deliberated and pushed forth by the combined effort of the President, his cabinet including some governors and other governing agencies has really produced lots of drama these past few days as it has provoked millions of Nigerians who marched out in a massive protest against the decision made by the government in removing the fuel subsidy.
But whenever something is thrown from a point it will first hit the person in front in the direction it was thrown to and that is exactly the condition President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan finds Himself, According to what is being circulated around it is believed that he is the most cursed president currently in the world as many negative things has been said and demonstrated about him both in public and private places. and it seems the whole wrath of the people is only being poured at him even though he claimed that the plan has been there before he got into the office as the president.
Well Just a Simple advice to all. Before accepting to lead a delegation to confront any tough issue or people just make sure you've got a good cover for your own face or you might end up bearing all the consequences of a revolt alone.
The Effect Of Fuel Subsidy Removal On Nigerians

The Removal of fuel Subsidy is bound to have some major effects in the lives of many Nigerians and it came at a time when almost everyone was busy enjoying the holiday with families and friends and would have probably spent a lot of their hard earned money hoping to return back to hustles after the end of the holidays.
The removal of the Fuel subsidy and the resultant effects (hike in fuel and commodity prices and the strike actions) was a real slap in the face for the masses but many experts and international bodies believes the removal of the fuel subsidy is a blessing to Nigerians and would help the economy but is the sacrifice to get this blessing worth paying as the government can't be fully trusted to keep to their promises.
There is this report from the Government that some Cabals has hijacked the Fuel Subsidy being provided by the federal Government and that the best way to avoid this continual mismanagement of funds is to remove the fuel subsidy and channel the funds into other sectors of the economy.
But the funny part of this is that the fuel subsidy removal that was to be a blessing to the people in the long run has only increased the sufferings of the people who were hoping that the new administration would help to alleviate the pain of the people and as such the people are actually the worst hit while these cabals still smiles to the bank with their booty cash.
Fuel Price has increased and that has further led to the increase in the prices of every other goods and services within the country. imagine buying a sachet of water (pure water) for N10.
well We don't know how long Nigerians will continue to make these sacrifices while the Government keeps promising without delivering on their promises.
Truly This President is just loving the people to death.
Goodbye 2011, Goodbye Fuel Subsidy

The federal governemnet has finally removed fuel subsidy. Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) made the announcement on Sunday.
In a statement, the agency said a litre of petrol, Premium Motor Spirit,PMS, will now sell for N141.
See Wahala ...
GEJ : My Fellow Nigerians Sorry I had to force this on you after taking you to the Fountain of Subsidy removal for you to drink freely but you refused, Also tried to give you the Subsidy bitters to at least help your situation but you rejected it Now i have no option than to Remove the Fuel Subsidy Benefits.
Hope you can manage with the situation?
Happy New Year Nigerians
- Falling Educational Standard In Nigeria and its Causes
- How To Stop Lionel Messi - Sports News
- Halliburton Bribe Scam, How Its Being Treated In Nigeria
- Fuel Subsidy Removal. A Real Pain in the Back
- Nigeria Being Corruption Free, What Tense Qualifies This.
- The Fountain Of Fuel Subsidy
- We All Need Each Other To Realize Our Full Potentials
- The Deplorable Conditions Of Nigerian Roads.
- Nigerian House Of Reps Busy Probing Everything
- Nigeria's Multiple Probings with No Meaningful Results
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- Mixed Reactions Trails CBN Gov. Sanusi's N100m don...
- Government Spends More, The People Sinks Further
- How Nigerians Feels Days After The End Of Fuel Sub...
- The Burnt Bridge To ASO Villa, The Sylva Story
- IMMUNITY CLAUSE The Safe Haven For Those In Power
- Fuel Subsidy Palliatives Will It Be Possible?
- Boko Haram orders Southerners to leave the North. ...
- The Subsidy Awesome Jugglers Indeed
- Hmmm Governor's ATM Point. Mouth Sealed
- Boko Haram Suspect Escapes From Police Custody
- The Painful End Of A Wonderful Start. NLC Calls Of...
- The Woes On President GEJ Over Subsidy Removal
- The Effect Of Fuel Subsidy Removal On Nigerians
- Goodbye 2011, Goodbye Fuel Subsidy
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